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Centrifuge in oilfield drilling mud applications

Centrifuge in oilfield drilling mud applications

A problem for everyone who uses centrifuges in the oil field is judging the centrifuge’s capacity, particularly in unweighted muds. Unfortunately the general attitude of the industry is to give hydraulic capacity (how much feed a centrifuge can physically swallow)...
Benefits of using a centrifuge for  manure separations

Benefits of using a centrifuge for manure separations

There are several benefits to using centrifuges when compared to other separation technologies currently used for fresh-flush dairy cow and swine (pig) manure dewatering applications.  These benefits include:  Properly optimized centrifuges typically remove 70-85% of...
Why purchase reconditioned when you can buy new?

Why purchase reconditioned when you can buy new?

One should consider several advantages to purchasing reconditioned-used centrifuges when compared to purchase of a new centrifuge:  Cost savings.  Reconditioned centrifuges typically cost 30% – 60% less than a brand-new comparable model.  As most centrifuges are built...